Farkandfunk’s Weblog

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Shakespeare in Desi Context – from krishashok’s blog

Posted by farkandfunk on October 10, 2007

Will update more by the end of the day! Damn work! Click on all the pictures for a clear view of them.

1. Play:The Merchant of Venice.

Context :2 of the lead characters, Antonio and Bassanio , had a slightly homoerotic relationship (no, really). Here’s the dialogue in an indian context that really defines it. Read the RIGHT dialogue first, and then the LEFT 🙂

SRK and KJ

2. Play : Macbeth

Context: the 3 witches hailing the “entrance of macbeth” in the style of the old village ladies deep down south with all the noises


3. Play : Romeo & Juliet

Context: Romeo and his cousin Benvolio (being Montagues) see Juliet in the Capulet party. Romeo takes interest in the “forbidden fruit”. Here’s an exchange in the quintessential TR style.


Here’s a rough transalation:

Romeo : Dude, who’s the “figure”(chick)? “Size” is slightly bigger. I’ll keep a bet. I will “set” her .

Benvolio : Dude, you shouldn’t dare. Her whole family has horns. Stop the bet right here. Otherwise her father will screw you where it hurts.

4. Romeo and Juliet again

context: balcony scene , where they’re koochi-kooing- desi style!


9 Responses to “Shakespeare in Desi Context – from krishashok’s blog”

  1. maxdavinci said

    enna machi post-u
    I enjoyed it the most-u
    manager saar ennai pannunga maaf-u
    na romba loud-a pnare laff-u

    addrrra addrrra addrrra……

  2. Bikerdude said

    Great post! The TR style dialogues were hilarious!!

  3. bikerdude, max,

    thanks folks!

  4. Ramsu said

    Great stuff! The TR dialogues were the highlight. Totally loved it.

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  6. no name said

    how about English?

  7. English- Coming soon.

  8. Maximus said

    I would like to see a continuation of the topic

  9. NLBizscume said

    NL International

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